I decided to start the week off with a day long slow jam session on Monday and the fact that I was powering the office stereo meant that everyone else had to endure this as well. No one complained, which is surprising.
Everyone should know this for the huge sample lifted by Kanye West for his breakthrough track, Through The Wire. Sadly, that might have overshadowed the fact that this is a totally top tune!
Always had plenty of time for Chaka Khan and this is what old skool R&B slow jams are all about for me. Grab your favourite girl or guy and get on the floor…
Also worth noting that her hair is HUGE in the vid. I love it
Gotta love a bit of RnB, especially from a man who can, allegedly, make a woman’s undies wet from a mere glance. I always thought he looked a bit old, but, hey, I’m the wrong demographic to really have a valid opinion.
Add some slow jam smoothness to lyrics about having sex in a Jeep, one of the coolest automobiles in the world, and you have a true winning formula